私の一日 その2

School, Weblog2014.12.04



A day in the life of me……

Wednesday –

Woke up, made breakfast, woke my  daughter up, and got ready myself and went to the school. Today I had to drop by the doctor to get medicine for my daughter and then picked up treats for my students. Each month, I walk around to all the classes and speak with my students to give them information and also give them an opportunity to ask me questions. Arrived at the beauty school by 9:30 and started talking to all 32 classes. In between I had to make phone calls and reported to my father who is in LA right now.

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Afterwards, I enjoyed a Happy Lunch with teachers. Happy lunch is where our staff and teachers gather in groups of 4 to eat lunch together. One of the teachers made lunch in the form of a character from a TV show. So cute!I baked some banana bread and brought it for dessert.

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午後はいくつかミーティングをした後、美容院でカラーリングをして(施術の間にクリスマスカードを何枚か書きました)、家に戻って娘の夕食を作って一緒に食べ、 娘をお風呂に入れて、そしてまた外での会合に出かけます。高校の同級生と会いましたよ

Had a few more meetings, got hair colored (wrote out some of my Christmas cards while at the salon) made dinner for daughter, ate with her, gave her a bath, then went out for a meeting with my high school buddies

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Ran back to read a bedtime story and put daughter to sleep.

Wrapped up my day cleaning up and cleared out the guest room for guests that will be coming soon




Wishes was sitting by the stable this morning